Due to Government gradually lifting the lockdown restrictions please note the following for Chesham Spiritualist Church
If you have any signs of a cough, cold or you feel unwell in any way please do not come to church as you will be turned away.
Numbers will be limited to 12 people at any one time in church for private prayer and music meditation. We ask that you maintain the 2 meter distance rule.
You will be met at the main door by Lynne and asked that your free will donation be placed in a collection bowl on the table by her.
As you then come into the main hall of the church Yvonne will spray your hands and take a temperature check. All being well you can then have a seat.
You will notice that every other row of chairs have been taken away to allow for social distancing. Only two people will be allowed on each row.
At the moment we can only seat 12 people, as and when social distance is eased we can then put more chairs out into the rows.
If you wish to wear a mask in church we recommend doing so if not that is finer.
Unfortunately there will be NO refreshment available, but by all means you can bring a small bottle of juice for your own personal use.
When you wish to leave please exit the church from the side door near the kitchen.
We are making the church environment as safe as we can and look forward to seeing you. Hopefully in time more chair seating can be increased and services can resume again with visiting mediums.
In place of the Healing book if you wish to add names to our Absent Healing page on the church website then please let Yvonne or Lynne have the names and they will be added.
As has already been said chair capacity during this difficult time is a maximum of 12 chairs.
So the dates for coming along for music meditation and prayer at the moment are:
Thursday 18th June 7.30pm -9pm
Sunday 21st June 6.30pm - 8pm
Thursday 25th June 7.30pm - 9pm
Sunday 28th June 6.30pm - 8pm
By the time 18th June is here the church would have been close for three and a half months so please all donations will be much appreciated.
Please be aware of those in meditation and prayer when entering the main hall of the church, thank you.
Please keep a check on further updates.
So please stay safe everyone and look forward to seeing you soon at church.
Yvonne Stanbridge